Prairie Restoration Workshop

Mattox Prairie – Yantis, TX

Save the date for May 23, 2023. Come join Texas Parks & Wildlife biologist Chris Keiser and the Texas Grazing Land Coalition host a grazing group meeting about seeding native prairie grasses/forbs on acreages as small as the backyard pocket prairie to property with hundreds of acres.

We will meet at NE TX Prairie Classroom located at 124 W Oak Yantis, TX 75497 from 10:00 AM to 1:00PM.
Additional parking available at 126 W Oak.

Chris will be assisted by NRCS grazing specialist Brandon Bing. Chris will discuss how to prepare for a planting, seeding and what one can expect. A pasture walk includes plant identification with Brandon Bing as well as a look at a native plant seeding test area. Bring a sack lunch for after the pasture walk. Water will be provided.

If you have any questions and to RSVP, contact Julie Mattox 903-752-1015.


May 23 2023


10:00 am - 1:00 pm
QR Code